Friday, 16 January 2009

Key Stage 2 Topics Covered

  • Speaking
  1. Use vocab and syntax to communicate complex meanings.
  2. Gain and maintain interest of different audiences - exaggeration/humour/varying pace/pursuasive language.
  3. Choose relevant material for audience
  4. Show clear shape and Organisation - Introduction and ending.
  5. Be able to evaluate and reflect on their speech
  • Listening
  • Group discussion and interaction
  • Drama
  • Standard English
  • Language Variation

  • Problem Solving
  • Communicating
  • Reasoning
  • Counting
  • Number Patterns and Integers
  • Fractions Percentages and Ratio
  • Decimals
  • Number operations and the relationships between them
  • Mental Methods
  • Written Methods
  • Calculator Methods
  • Solving numerical problems
  • Plants and growth
  • Animals
  • Our bodies
  • Investigations
  • Materials and substances
  • Space
  • Electricity
  • Sound
  • Roman Empire
  • Ancient Egypt
  • World War 2
  • The Tudors
  • The Vikings
  • Ancient Greeks
  • Victorians
  • Anglo - Saxons
  • Aztecs
  • Local History
  • A world History Study
  • A European History Study
  • Rainforest
  • Water Cycle
  • Rivers
  • Climate and Weather
  • How settlements change
  • Environmental Issues
  • China
  • Maps
Art and Design
  • Exploring and developing ideas
  • Investigating and making art/craft and Design
  • Evaluating and developing work
  • Knowledge and understanding

Units covered key stage 1 and 2

from standards website

Design and Technology

Unit 1A. Moving pictures
Unit 1B. Playgrounds
Unit 1C. Eat more fruit and vegetables
Unit 1D. Homes
Unit 2A. Vehicles
Unit 2B. Puppets
Unit 2C. Winding up
Unit 2D. Joseph's coat
Unit 3A. Packaging
Unit 3B. Sandwich snacks
Unit 3C. Moving monsters
Unit 3D. Photograph frames
Unit 4A. Money containers
Unit 4B. Storybooks
Unit 4C. Torches
Unit 4D. Alarms
Unit 4E. Lighting it up
Unit 5A. Musical instruments
Unit 5B. Bread
Unit 5C. Moving toys
Unit 5D. Biscuits
Unit 6A. Shelters
Unit 6B. Slippers
Unit 6C. Fairground
Unit 6D. Controllable vehicles

Art and Design

Unit 1A. Self-portrait
Unit 1B Investigating mat. Investigating materials
Unit 1C What is sculpture. What is sculpture?
Unit 2B Mother Nature, de. Mother Nature, designer
Unit 2C Can buildings spe. Can buildings speak?
Unit 3A. Portraying relationships
Unit 3B. Investigating pattern
Unit 3C. Can we change places?
Unit 4A. Viewpoints
Unit 4B. Take a seat
Unit 4C. Journeys
Unit 5A. Objects and meanings
Unit 5B. Containers
Unit 5C. Talking textiles
Unit 6A. People in action
Unit 6B. What a performance
Unit 6C. A sense of place
Unit 9gen. Visiting a museum, gallery or site


Unit 01. Taking part - developing skills of communication and participation
Unit 02. Choices
Unit 03. Animals and us
Unit 04. People who help us - the local police
Unit 05. Living in a diverse world
Unit 06. Developing our school grounds
Unit 07. Children's rights - human rights
Unit 08. How do rules and laws affect me?
Unit 09. Respect for property
Unit 10. Local democracy for young citizens
Unit 11. In the media - what's the news?
Unit 12. Moving on


Unit 1. Around our school - the local area
Unit 2. How can we make our local area safer?
Unit 3. An island home
Unit 4. Going to the seaside
Unit 5. Where in the world is Barnaby Bear?
Unit 6. Investigating our local area
Unit 7. Weather around the world
Unit 8. Improving the environment
Unit 9. Village settlers
Unit 10. A village in India
Unit 11. Water
Unit 12. Should the high street be closed to traffic?
Unit 13. A contrasting UK locality - Llandudno
Unit 14. Investigating rivers
Unit 15. The mountain environment
Unit 16. What's in the news?
Unit 17. Global eye
Unit 18. Connecting ourselves to the world
Unit 19. How and where do we spend our time?
Unit 20. Local traffic - an environmental issue
Unit 21. How can we improve the area we can see from our window?
Unit 22. A contrasting locality overseas - Tocuaro
Unit 23. Investigating coasts
Unit 24. Passport to the world
Unit 25. Geography and numbers


Unit 1. How are our toys different from those in the past?
Unit 2. What were homes like a long time ago?
Unit 3. What were seaside holidays like in the past?
Unit 4. Why do we remember Florence Nightingale?
Unit 5. How do we know about the Great Fire of London?
Unit 6A. Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? A Roman case study
Unit 6B. Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? An Anglo-Saxon case study
Unit 6C. Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? A Viking case study
Unit 7. Why did Henry VIII marry six times?
Unit 8. What were the differences between the lives of rich and poor people in Tudor times?
Unit 9. What was it like for children in the Second World War?
Unit 10. What can we find out about ancient Egypt from what has survived?
Unit 11. What was it like for children living in Victorian Britain?
Unit 12. How did life change in our locality in Victorian times?
Unit 13. How has life in Britain changed since 1948?
Unit 14. Who were the ancient Greeks?
Unit 15. How do we use ancient Greek ideas today?
Unit 16. How can we find out about the Indus Valley civilisation?
Unit 17. What are we remembering on Remembrance Day?
Unit 18. What was it like to live here in the past?
Unit 19. What were the effects of Tudor exploration?
Unit 20. What can we learn about recent history from studying the life of a famous person?


Unit 1A. An introduction to modelling
Unit 1B. Using a word bank
Unit 1C. The information around us
Unit 1D. Labelling and classifying
Unit 1E. Representing information graphically: pictograms
Unit 1F. Understanding instructions and making things happen
Unit 2A. Writing stories: communicating information using text
Unit 2B. Creating pictures
Unit 2C. Finding information
Unit 2D. Routes: controlling a floor turtle
Unit 2E. Questions and answers
Unit 3A. Combining text and graphics
Unit 3B. Manipulating sound
Unit 3C. Introduction to databases
Unit 3D. Exploring simulations
Unit 3E. E-mail
Unit 4A. Writing for different audiences
Unit 4B. Developing images using repeating patterns
Unit 4C. Branching databases
Unit 4D. Collecting and presenting information: questionnaires and pie charts
Unit 4E. Modelling effects on screen
Unit 5A. Graphical modelling
Unit 5B. Analysing data and asking questions: using complex searches
Unit 5C. Evaluating information, checking accuracy and questioning plausibility
Unit 5D. Introduction to spreadsheets
Unit 5E. Controlling devices
Unit 5F. Monitoring environmental conditions and changes
Unit 6A. Multimedia presentation
Unit 6B. Spreadsheet modelling
Unit 6C. Control and monitoring - What happens when...?
Unit 6D. Using the internet to search large databases and to interpret information


MFL Teacher's Guide (PDF 232 KB)
Overview of French units 1-12 (PDF 48 KB)
Overview of French units 13-24 (PDF 45 KB)

Unit 1 Moi (All about me) PDF (48 KB) RTF (172 KB)
Unit 2 Jeux et chansons (Games and songs) PDF (47 KB) RTF (169 KB)
Unit 3 On fait la fête (Celebrations) PDF (48 KB) RTF (178 KB)
Unit 4 Portraits PDF (45 KB) RTF (167 KB)
Unit 5 Les quatre amis (The four friends) PDF (50 KB) RTF (144 KB)
Unit 6 Ça pousse! (Growing things) PDF (54 KB) RTF (148 KB)
Unit 7 On y va (All aboard) PDF (49 KB) RTF (183 KB)
Unit 8 L'argent de poche (Pocket money) PDF (52 KB) RTF (174 KB)
Unit 9 Raconte-moi une histoire! (Tell me a story!) PDF (53 KB) RTF (182 KB)
Unit 10 Vive le sport! (Our sporting lives) PDF (45 KB) RTF (127 KB)
Unit 11 Le Carnaval des animaux (Carnival of the Animals) PDF (52 KB) RTF (136 KB)
Unit 12 Quel temps fait-il? (What's the weather like?) PDF (52 KB) RTF (140 KB)

The following units are in draft form. The final versions will be published early in 2009.

Unit 13 Bon appetit, bonne santé (Healthy eating) PDF (54 KB) RTF (141 KB)
Unit 14 Je suis le musicien ('I Am the Music Man') PDF (48 KB) RTF (126 KB)
Unit 15 En route pour l'école (On the way to school) PDF (48 KB) RTF (123 KB)
Unit 16 Scène de Plage (Beach scene) PDF (48 KB) RTF (130 KB)
Unit 17 Le Retour du Printemps (The Return of Spring) PDF (51 KB) RTF (141 KB)
Unit 18 Les planètes (The planets) PDF (45 KB) RTF (130 KB)
Unit 19 Notre école (Our school) PDF (52 KB) RTF (137 KB)
Unit 20 Notre monde (The world about us) PDF (53 KB) RTF (163 KB)
Unit 21 Le passé et le présent (Then and now) PDF (51 KB) RTF (147 KB)
Unit 22 Ici et là (Out and about) PDF (53 KB) RTF (138 KB)
Unit 23 Monter un café (Creating a café) PDF (52 KB) RTF (147 KB)
Unit 24 Quoi de neuf? (What's in the news?) PDF (50 KB) RTF (131 KB)


Unit 1. Ongoing skills
Unit 2. Sounds interesting - Exploring sounds
Unit 3. The long and the short of it - Exploring duration
Unit 4. Feel the pulse - Exploring pulse and rhythm
Unit 5. Taking off - Exploring pitch
Unit 6. What's the score? - Exploring instruments and symbols
Unit 7. Rain, rain, go away - Exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics
Unit 8. Ongoing skills
Unit 9. Animal magic - Exploring descriptive sounds
Unit 10. Play it again - Exploring rhythmic patterns
Unit 11. The class orchestra - Exploring arrangements
Unit 12. Dragon scales - Exploring pentatonic scales
Unit 13. Painting with sound - Exploring sound colours
Unit 14. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard - Exploring singing games
Unit 15. Ongoing skills
Unit 16. Cyclic patterns - Exploring rhythm and pulse
Unit 17. Roundabout - Exploring rounds
Unit 18. Journey into space - Exploring sound sources
Unit 19. Songwriter - Exploring lyrics and melody
Unit 20. Stars, hide your fires - Performing together
Unit 21. Who knows? - Exploring musical processes


Unit 1. Dance activities (1)
Unit 2. Dance activities (2)
Unit 3. Games activities (1)
Unit 4. Games activities (2)
Unit 5. Gymnastic activities (1)
Unit 6. Gymnastic activities (2)
Unit 7. Swimming activities and water safety (1) Beginners (non-swimmers and developing swimmers)
Unit 8. Dance activities (3)
Unit 9. Dance activities (4)
Unit 10. Invasion games (1)
Unit 11. Invasion games (2)
Unit 12. Striking and fielding games (1)
Unit 13. Net/wall games (1)
Unit 14. Gymnastic activities (3)
Unit 15. Gymnastic activities (4)
Unit 16. Swimming activities and water safety (2) Developing and competent swimmers
Unit 17. Athletic activities (1)
Unit 18. Athletic activities (2)
Unit 19. Outdoor and adventurous activities (1)
Unit 20. Outdoor and adventurous activities (2)
Unit 21. Dance activities (5)
Unit 22. Dance activities (6)
Unit 23. Invasion games (3)
Unit 24. Invasion games (4)
Unit 25. Striking and fielding games (2)
Unit 26. Net/wall games (2)
Unit 27. Gymnastic activities (5)
Unit 28. Gymnastic activities (6)
Unit 29. Athletic activities (3)
Unit 30. Outdoor and adventurous activities (3)
Unit 31. Dance activities - link unit
Unit 32. Games activities - link unit
Unit 33. Gymnastic activities - link unit


Unit RA. What are harvest festivals?
Unit RB. Who were the friends of Jesus?
Unit RC. Who was Noah?
Unit 1A. What does it mean to belong? - Generic
Unit 1B. What does it mean to belong in Christianity?
Unit 1C. Celebrations: why do Christians give gifts at Christmas?
Unit 1D. Beliefs and practice - Generic
Unit 1E. How do Jewish people express their beliefs in practice?
Unit 1F. What can we learn from visiting a church?
Unit 2A. What is the Torah and why is it important to Jewish people?
Unit 2B. Why did Jesus tell stories?
Unit 2C. Celebrations - Generic
Unit 2D. Visiting a place of worship - Generic
Unit 3A. What do signs and symbols mean in religion?
Unit 3B. How and why do Hindus celebrate Divali?
Unit 3C. What do we know about Jesus?
Unit 3D. What is the Bible and why is it important for Christians?
Unit 3E. What is faith and what difference does it make?
Unit 4A. How and why do Hindus worship at home and in the mandir?
Unit 4B. Celebrations: Christmas journeys
Unit 4C. Why is Easter important for Christians?
Unit 4D. What religions are represented in our neighbourhood?
Unit 5A. Why is Muhammad important to Muslims?
Unit 5B. How do Muslims express their beliefs through practices?
Unit 5C. Where did the Christian Bible come from?
Unit 5D. How do the beliefs of Christians influence their actions?
Unit 6A. Worship and community - Generic
Unit 6B. Worship and community: what is the role of the mosque?
Unit 6C. Why are sacred texts important? - Generic
Unit 6D. What is the Qur'an and why is it important to Muslims?
Unit 6E. What can we learn from Christian religious buildings?
Unit 6F. How do people express their faith through the arts?


Unit 1A. Ourselves
Unit 1B. Growing plants
Unit 1C. Sorting and using materials
Unit 1D. Light and dark
Unit 1E. Pushes and pulls
Unit 1F. Sound and hearing
Unit 2A. Health and growth
Unit 2B. Plants and animals in the local environment
Unit 2C. Variation
Unit 2D. Grouping and changing materials
Unit 2E. Forces and movement
Unit 2F. Using electricity
Unit 3A. Teeth and eating
Unit 3B. Helping plants grow well
Unit 3C. Characteristics of materials
Unit 3D. Rocks and soils
Unit 3E. Magnets and springs
Unit 3F. Light and shadows
Unit 4A. Moving and growing
Unit 4B. Habitats
Unit 4C. Keeping warm
Unit 4D. Solids, liquids and how they can be separated
Unit 4E. Friction
Unit 4F. Circuits and conductors
Unit 5_6H. Enquiry in environmental and technological contexts
Unit 5A. Keeping healthy
Unit 5B. Life cycles
Unit 5C. Gases around us
Unit 5D. Changing state
Unit 5E. Earth, Sun and Moon
Unit 5F. Changing sounds
Unit 6A. Interdependence and adaptation
Unit 6B. Micro-organisms (short unit)
Unit 6C. More about dissolving
Unit 6D. Reversible and irreversible changes (short unit)
Unit 6E. Forces in action
Unit 6F. How we see things (short unit)
Unit 6G. Changing circuits (short unit)

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